
Tubectomy treatment near me

What Is Tubectomy?

One of the most common methods of contraception for women is tubal sterilization or tubectomy. The fallopian tubes are surgically blocked, preventing the ovary from releasing an egg into the uterus.

Indications for Tubectomy

When a lady decides she doesn't want to have children in the future, a tubectomy is the best option.

When a woman decides to undergo a tubal ligation, she should keep the following considerations in mind:

  •  A person's reasons for desiring to have a permanent sterilization procedure
  •  If tubal ligation is the best choice for her.
  • The procedure's side effects, dangers, and problems.
  • Is it possible that there are better means of birth control


When the fallopian tubes are cut open and clipped or knotted to prevent the egg from passing into the uterus, a tubectomy is performed.

Taking Precautions Following A Tubectomy

You must listen the surgeon's instructions on post-operative care. The following are some pointers for self-care:

  • For a week, do not engage in any strenuous physical activity.
  • After a few days' rest, you can return to work.
  • Do not engage in sexual activity for a week following the tubectomy.
  • Pain medication can be used to alleviate discomfort. However, if the discomfort is unbearable, see a doctor.
  • If you have a high fever, bleeding from a cut, fainting spells, etc., make an appointment with your doctor right away.

A tubectomy is a significant operation that cannot be reversed and carries a number of possible hazards. As a result, it is critical to seek doctor before and have surgery at a reputable gynaecology hospital like Utkarsh Hospital.