Internal organs such as the pancreas, liver and gallbladder can be visualized via an abdominal ultrasound.
Pain, abnormal blood tests (e.g. liver function), jaundice, a palpable mass, bloating, nausea, trauma, and follow-up from previous procedure...
The number of people getting their ears pierced is on the rise. Including both sexes. More people are getting their lobes pierced than ever before, which mean more people are getting their ears torn and damaged as a result. For a variety of reasons, ...
A hysterectomy is a surgical procedure in which the uterus is removed from a woman. The uterus, often known as the womb, is where the fetus matures during the course of pregnancy. Because the uterine lining is the source of menstrual blood, a woman w...
Pregnancy termination with medication is called medical abortion or medical termination of pregnancy. When a woman is in her first trimester of pregnancy, this method is the safest and most effective. A doctor's supervision is required for this p...
Dilation and Curettage
Surgery to open the cervix and put a thin instrument into the uterus, known as dilation and curettage (D&C). Removes tissue from the uterus with this device (curettage).
About dilatation and curettage (D&C)